Possibly. At the end of the day there may be no one perfect app for everyone. I do think though if managing your money stresses you out you’re likely doing it wrong. Saving shouldn’t stressful. Stress comes from a lack of control. Budgeting, when done correctly, is the opposite of that.
I would agree it’s mostly a marketing problem rather than an app or feature problem. Use the right words and take users on the right path and I think you’ll find having your hand in managing your money is the only real way to go about it.
I don’t know how old you are or how much debt you have or don’t have but if you’re making any money you should be able to budget and save stress free. No, you may never be wicked rich from it but the hope would be you’d never have to end up in a place either now or in the future where you couldn’t pay for even basic needs.
The number of young people unprepared and uninformed about their financial future is staggering.
These may be articles on American finances but I’d imagine a version of this is true nearly universally especially among millennials. We’re not talking about have millions by the time you’re 30. We’re talking about longterm stewardship and making the very best of whatever you do have.